




Information for New Users

If, after reviewing the online documentation, you have any questions about the HET Phase III please direct them to the HET resident astronomers: astronomer(at)het.as.utexas.edu or use visit the HET observations/science Google Group ( groups.google.com/g/het-obs-sci ).

The Phase III system is a way to allow the PI or CoI to actively manage their experiment to optimize its performance. It includes information about targets that have been observed, how much TAC time has been used, changing some aspects of targets in the queue, and changing the status of targets in the queue.

  • observed objects

    The PI or contact person will receive e-mail notification whenever targets are observed, even if that attempt was disrupted by weather or equipment problems. You can see a full list of these targets by looking at the link "Objects Observed" link on the left hand side of your program tab on hydra. If you wish to look to see what standards or calibration were taken on the same night please try the "Night Report" link located just below the "Objects Observed" link.

  • Status of targets

    Targets can have several different status keys. Blank is active, D is deferred, J is junked, and H is a synoptic hold.

    • D - When a target has received all of the requested visits it is changed from status active to status deferred. If a PI believes that the object is no longer interesting or has enough S/N they can change it to deferred. An object can move back and forth from status D to active as needed.
    • H - This synoptic hold is used by the queue software to indicate that we are waiting for a temporal trigger (setup by the PI in the TSL keywords) to become active.
    • J - This is used by the PI to remove a faulty Phase II. It places the targets in a special list mostly out of standard target lists of objects in the queue. Only use this if you don't want to see that submission again. Generally, this should not be done once a target has been observed and the number of visits incremented since it may cause confusion about how the TAC allocation was used.

  • Editing targets in the queue

    Target status can be changed in a batch or target by target. To change their status in the batch mode click on the status class of object you want to edit on the left side. This will bring up a list of all of those objects. You can then select the targets you wish to edit and the new class you want to make them. Please note that after you save your changes you need to submit them to the HET queue.

    You can edit a target individually by clicking on the object name while at the top level of the program tab. To get to the top level of the program tab just click on the Program name in the upper left corner of the tab. Once you have clicked on the target name you will see an Edit button labeled as the target name in the lower right side of the page. Clicking on that will bring up a list of the fields that can be edited. Not all fields can be edited. Please note that after you save your changes you need to submit them to the HET queue.

    Last updated: Fri, 23 Oct 2020 14:04:33 +0000 stevenj

  • Phase III

    Phase III Information for New Users

    HPF quick-look

    How to Retrieve Data

    World Coordinate System for HET frames

    Finding Calibration Files

    Updates to Your Target List

    Data Rejection Policy


    Data Reduction Tips

    Filling Factor Estimator